December 31 Birthday Horoscope

December 31 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 31 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

As a Capricorn born on December 31st, your personality is defined by its hardworking, charming and creative qualities. Like all Capricorns, you show great determination in efforts that you feel to be worthwhile. This quality is paired well with the creativity and enthusiasm that you display in all aspects of your life. You are quite social and others value your witty and warm personality. Throughout your life you have noticed that people actively seek out your company. You would be surprised to know how many of your friends genuinely appreciate your loyalty and attention.

December 31 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is your sign’s paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only fundamental connection to the element. Your relationship with Earth makes you a self-starter and active in your pursuits, but more so, it insures a grounded and practical demeanor. While others keep their heads in the clouds, yours are firmly rooted in the realistic. As long as you embrace your prudent earthly qualities, you will be headed towards success. However, you may miss exciting and worthwhile experiences if you adopt an overly cautious attitude.

December 31 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Saturn is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are subject to the planetary influence of Venus as well. While Saturn is the planet of control, discipline and determination, it is Venus that links to your more harmonizing and social qualities. More so than any of the other Capricorn Decans, you are social, adaptable and creative. When paired with your ambition, your creativity will take you far in life, as you have the determination and mind power to solve any problem. Your determination is just as strong in your friendships and loving relationships. You put in the time and effort to maintain affection relationships, but may find trouble keeping a positive outlook. Stay firm in the pursuit of your goals to avoid your pessimistic tendencies.

December 31 Capricorn Personality

A December 31 Capricorn responds to their heart, not their head. They may be impractical in the extreme, but they also paint their world in vibrant and extreme colors. A certain brilliance does not shield them from a great deal of instability. This can be a drawback to maturation, yet it also provides them with the emotional exhilaration they crave.

December 30 Birthday Horoscope

December 30 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 30 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

Being a Capricorn born on December 30th, you are characterized by a hardworking, determined and patient personality. Its hard for you to relate to those with leisurely personalities, as you are always working to accomplish a new goal. When you find a task to be worthwhile, you will always put in the effort to complete it, regardless of how difficult or challenging it may be. While your friends and loved ones admire this quality greatly, they may be most impressed with your amazing patience. Even in the most frustrating and hectic situations, you always manage to keep a calm and composed demeanor.

December 30 Birthday Element - Earth

Your sign’s elemental pair is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection to the element. Your unique relationship with Earth makes you an active self-starter in all aspects of life. Earth’s influence becomes even more obvious when your grounded nature is considered. You take little refuge in leaving your head in the clouds, as you much rather pursue goals that are realistic and practical. Your earthly prudence may become one of your greatest assets. Be weary of being overly cautious however, as this tendency may lead to missed opportunities and experiences.

December 30 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Saturn is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn’s mysterious power has a doubly strong effect on your personalty. Saturn’s powers relate to control, which explains for the discipline, determination and responsibility that is so prominent in your personality. Much more than the other Capricorn Decans, you are destined for success. In life and love, you display devotion and loyalty that is rarely matched. Above all else, you have grown to strive for material gain and respect, which explains why you are focused on security for yourself and those around you. While you may be quick to spoil your loved ones, you may find it more difficult to express your love and affections directly. To avoid depressed moods, find balance between your material ambitions and your emotional needs.

December 30 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 30 is a jovial individual who promotes the status quo. They like the good life and are willing to work long and hard to achieve it. They are focused and understand the need to make sensible sacrifices. These individuals are happiest when they have a stable family and happy home life.

December 29 Birthday Horoscope

December 29 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 29 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

As a Capricorn born on December 29, your patience and determination are amongst your most defining qualities. You rarely falter in the face of adversity, as you will work tirelessly to overcome any challenge or obstacle that you are confronted with. Your hardworking nature makes it hard to relate to those that take refuge in procrastination, but amazingly, you are still able to handle all of your life dealings with great patience. Your friends and family marvel at your ability to remain calm, even in the most seemingly frustrating situations.

December 29 Birthday Element - Earth

Your sign’s paired element is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one with a fundamental connection to the element. As is the case with all Earth signs, the influence of Earth makes you grounded. You do not waste any time on pursuits unless they are realistic and practical. Your prudence is combined well with your tendency to be an active self-starter. Embracing the positive qualities of Earth will become one of your greatest assets, as long as you work to avoid the over-cautiousness that accompanies your elemental influence.

December 29 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Saturn is your sign’s ruling planet, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part of the sign, you actually receive a double dose of Saturn’s mysterious influence. Saturn’s powers are found within the realm of control, which explains for your discipline, determination and organizational ability. More so than any of the other Capricorn Decans, you are perseverant and driven to success. In life, your interest in material gain and respect may trump all other pursuits. While this will only increase your chances of success, it may become detrimental if you fail to acknowledge your emotional needs. In friendships and loving relationships, you are devoted and loyal, but run the risk of being reserved in your affections. Find balance within your ambitions to avoid unhappy moods.

December 29 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 29 has the ability to be transformed by spiritual significance, but only after experiencing a profound and transfiguring reality. Often attractive and charming, they have a devastating effect upon those who come under their spell. Unlike most Capricorns, they enjoy taking risks.

December 28 Birthday Horoscope

December 28 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 28 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

Being a Capricorn born on December 28th, your personality is defined by your hardworking and patient nature. You have a hard time relating to people with their heads in the clouds, as you define yourself by an active pursuit of goals. If you find a task or challenge worthwhile, you will work until the job is done. While your friends and family admire your determination, it is your patience that is perhaps most appealing. You are highly sought after friend and companion, because of your ability to keep composure in any situation.

December 28 Birthday Element - Earth

Your sign’s paired element is Earth and of all 12 zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a fundamental connection with the element. Unlike the other Earth signs, your special relationship with the element makes you a self-starter and active in your pursuits. Earth’s influence connects to your grounded personality. If something is not practical or realistic, you waste not time with it. Your Earth inspired prudence will always assist you on a path to success. However, avoid being overly cautious, as this may cause you to miss out on worthwhile experiences.

December 28 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn’s influence is twice as strong within you. Being the planet of control, Saturn’s mysterious power contributes to your determined, disciplined and organized qualities. Your unique planetary influence makes you more perseverant than any of the Capricorn Decans. You value respect and material gains over all else, which explains for devotion to your goals. In your close relationships, you display the same loyalty and determination. Although you would do anything to contribute to your loved one’s security, you may be less likely to show them love and affection. Take time to explore your emotional needs to avoid low or depressed moods.

December 28 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 28 has a style all their own. Self-possessed and intelligent, they have great social skills, including the ability to make anyone feel at home. They take pride and enjoyment in performing everyday tasks, believing it is through the minor events that character is formed and tested. They generally have a happy outlook.

December 27 Birthday Horoscope

December 27 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

December 27 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

As a Capricorn born on December 27th, your strong determination is as notable as your patience. While others get lost in procrastination, you are active and tireless in your pursuits. As long as you see the value in a challenge, you will always put in the work to be successful. Your family and friends admire your determined qualities, but they may have even more appreciation for your patience. You always seem to keep a calm head, even in the most frantic or frustrating situations.

December 27 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is the elemental pair of your sign, and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection to the element. Earth’s influence explains for your grounded and practical nature. You take little interest in theoretical daydreaming, as you only find value in realistic pursuits. While all Earth sign’s share in the prudence, your unique connection to the element makes you more active and self-starting. Embrace the positive qualities of Earth, as they can become your greatest strengths. Take care to avoid Earth’s negative qualities however, which include an overly cautious and conservative nature.

December 27 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Saturn and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double helping of Saturn’s influence. Being the planet of control, Saturn’s influence is seen in your determined, organized and disciplined nature. More so than any of the Capricorn Decans, your perseverance puts you on the path to success. In love, you display the same determination and are truly devoted to the security of those you hold dear. You may have a tendency to spoil your loved ones, but you may find it more difficult to express loving affection. Find balance between your material pursuits and emotional needs to avoid the depressed moods.

December 27 Capricorn Personality

There’s something haughty and erudite about a December 27 Capricorn. They elevate style to an art yet are practical and down to earth. When they achieve their aims, it’s the result of hard work. Their authoritarian nature makes them good at handling others, particularly in the workplace. They are demanding and have a perfectionist streak and can, at times, seem intolerant of others’ mistakes.

December 26 Birthday Horoscope

December 26 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 26 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

Being a Capricorn born on December 26th, you are known for a hardworking, patient and determined personality. While others may be more intrigued by the theoretical, you take satisfaction from doing. When you feel a task is worthwhile or meaningful, you will work tirelessly to conquer it. Your friends and family admire your determination, but that also greatly appreciate your patience. Even in the most difficult situations, you find a way to maintain calmness and composure.

December 26 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is your sign’s paired element, and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal relationship with the element. Unlike the other Earth zodiac signs, your connection to Earth makes you active and a self-starter. Earth’s influence over your personality becomes obvious when your grounded nature is considered. Instead of having your head in the clouds, your goals and interests are based on the realistic and practical. These qualities of Earth will become your greatest strengths, as long as you avoid the over conservatism that is amongst Earth’s negative influences.

December 26 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Saturn is the planetary ruler of the Capricorn, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double dose of Saturn’s influence. Saturn’s influence is reflected in your discipline, determination, and patience. More so than any of the Capricorn Decans, you are extremely perseverant and geared toward success. Your planetary influences makes material gains and respects your two most valued pursuits. In relationships, you display the same determination, as you seem to do whatever is necessary to insure the security of your loved ones. Your drive and ambition may lead to depressed moods, so make sure that love and affection do not fall by the wayside. In love, find a partner that shares in your loyalty and devotion for the most satisfaction and fulfillment.

December 26 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 26 possesses a determined, serious nature. They can read the motives of others and are good judges of character. These ambitious, career-oriented people have a pragmatic nature yet dream large. They possess a generous soul and the desire to be part of the crowd but may be unwilling to show these aspects of their personality.

December 25 Birthday Horoscope

December 25 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 25 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

As a Capricorn born on December 25th, your patience and determination are amongst your most well known qualities. Although no one is immune to occasional frustrations, you attempt to be understanding and calm in all your dealings. Your family and friends often marvel at your ability to keep a cool head in even the most nerve racking situations. Similarly, you are quite determined in all aspects of your life. Whether it be your careers, education, friendships or intimate relations, you use your strong will to accomplish your goals.

December 25 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is your signs paired element and of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only fundamental connection with the element. As with all Earth signs, your connection to the element makes you grounded and realistic. Instead of being lost in impulse, you prefer to be cautious. More so than any other Earth zodiac sign, you have the tendency to be an active initiator in pursuits that you feel to be worthwhile. While your prudence will always make success possible, you run the risk of avoiding valuable experiences if you embrace an overly-conservative mindset.

December 25 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Saturn and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, your ruling planet has twice as much influence over your personalty. Being the planet of control, Saturn’s influence is reflected in your discipline, determination, patience and organization. In friendships and love, you are extremely devoted, as you are motivated by the idea of bringing security to your loved ones. While you are quick to spoil those you hold dear, it may be surprising for you to realize that you value respect over all other forms of love or affection. Your ambition will always cause bouts of dissatisfaction or low moods, but take refuge in the fact that you are more likely to achieve success than any of the other Capricorn Decans.

December 25 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 25 is drawn to life’s mysteries. New Age learning and holistic healing have special appeal for them. They are introspective people who can transcend their own emotional struggles by involving themselves in work that helps others. They can understand others’ motives and divine what even they may not realize.

December 24 Birthday Horoscope

December 24 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 24 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

Being a Capricorn born on December 24th, you are extremely hardworking and determined. While others rather procrastinate and put off their work, you are focused on getting the job done as soon as possible. You are driven to be successful and will work tirelessly to accomplish any task that you feel to be worthwhile. You take the same determined nature into your friendships and family life. Your loved ones have always admired your determination and appreciated your loyalty.

December 24 Birthday Element - Earth

The Capricorn’s elemental pair is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a fundamental connection to the element. Instead of keeping your head in the clouds, Earth’s influence makes you grounded and practical. Unlike any other of the Earth zodiac signs, your connection with Earth makes you a self-starter. All of your personal and career pursuits are based on realistic goals and expectations, which explains why you truly can achieve anything you set your mind to. Earth’s positive qualities will continue to be amongst your most valuable assets, as long as you avoid your natural tendency to be overly conservative and cautious.

December 24 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Your sign’s ruling planet is Saturn, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive twice as much of Saturn’s unique influence. Saturn’s power relates to control, which explains for your determined, disciplined and order-focused personality. More so than the other Capricorn Decans, you are perseverant and destined for success. At times, you may notice that you value respect over all else. As long as you are working towards your security or the security of loved ones, your life will always have fulfillment and purpose. You must remember that you will always gain satisfaction from material pursuits and financial security, but this does not mean you should ignore the importance of affection.

December 24 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 24 is a quixotic, changeable individual that is as much an enigma to themselves as to everyone else. They have magnetism and the potential to lead but are often confused about priorities and can end up following someone less talented than themselves. They don’t give way to the usual Capricornian obsession to follow the status quo.

December 23 Birthday Horoscope

December 23 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 23 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

As a Capricorn born on December 23rd, your patience and determination define your personality. Although you may become frustrated with the absent-minded dreamers, you usually handle all social interactions with understanding and a mild temper. Your friends and family always marvel at your ability to keep a cool head, but they may be most impressed with your determination. Whenever you are met with a challenge you feel is worth while, there is no obstacle that keep you from conquering it.

December 23 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is the elemental pair of the Capricorn and of all 12 zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a fundamental connection to the element. Your unique connection with Earth makes you active and practical in your pursuits. It is the influence of Earth that keeps you grounded and focused on the here and now. If you continue to embrace the positive influences of Earth, your prudence will become a great asset. Be careful to avoid crossing the thin line between prudence and over-cautiousness, as this may lead to you missing valuable experiences.

December 23 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Saturn is the planetary ruler of your sign and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Saturn gives you a double helping of its planetary influence. Being the planet of control, Saturn contributes to your discipline, order and patience. Your unique planetary influences makes you far more perseverant than the other Capricorn Decans. In love and friendships, your planetary influences causes you to value loyalty and devotion over all else. You take the same hardworking and determined attitude into your relationships, as it seems you would do anything to help the security of your loved ones. Take time to cultivate your intimate relationships, as you may tend to put your material pursuits ahead of affection.

December 23 Capricorn Personality

December 23 Capricorns have a great deal of emotional pluck. If plans fail, they simply start again. Because of their good attitude and ability to motivate others, they make excellent mentors. Although they may seem scatterbrained, they have great organizational abilities. Witty and intelligent, they are exceptionally verbal for people of their sign.

December 22 Birthday Horoscope

December 22 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

December 22 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

Being a Capricorn born on December 22nd, you are perhaps best known for your patience, determination and hard working nature. You are invested in the here and now, which explains why you much rather be actively working towards a goal than thinking about one. There are few things that you cannot accomplish once you have put your mind to doing so. This quality is greatly admired by your friends, peers, coworkers and family.

December 22 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is the Capricorn’s paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a cardinal relationship to the element. Earth’s influence is the driving force behind your "grounded" nature. You are realistic and practical in your goals and expectations, which at times may even take you into the realms of cautiousness. As long as you take measures to avoid the over-conservativeness that sometimes accompanies the Earth element, you will be well on your way to future success. Remember to take advantage of your unique relationship with the element, which allows you to be an initiator and self-starter.

December 22 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Saturn and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive two helpings of Saturn’s mysterious planetary power. Saturn is the planet of control and subsequently, it connects to your discipline, order, patience and perseverance. More so than any of the other Capricorn Decans, your planetary influences gives you the determination to achieve great things. You meet challenges with a great deal of responsibility and control, but perhaps your most valuable trait is your patience, which allows you to keep a cool head in most situations. In life and love, you value emotional and material security. As long as you are working towards obtaining these things, you will always find satisfaction from your efforts.

December 22 Capricorn Personality

A Capricorn born on December 22 has great sensitivity under a shell of pretend indifference. They are emotionally vulnerable and are sometimes shy about others seeing who they are. Attractive and charming, they are often more complicated than others realize. They are intelligent, though it may be as hard for them to accept their talents as their limitations.

December 21 Birthday Horoscope

December 21 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

December 21 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 21st, your charisma and natural gifts as an entertainer define your personality. Whether or not you consider yourself to be popular, there is no doubt that people gravitate to you on a regular basis. Your warm, friendly and witty personality all make you a highly sought after friend and companion. Luckily, you love the attention and take every chance to turn a social setting into a chance to shine on center stage!

December 21 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and being a Sagittarius, you have a mutable connection with the element. Your unique connection to fires makes you an enthusiastic communicator and quite adaptable. Like all fire signs, the influence of fire allows passion and determination to be the defining qualities of your spirit. Continue to embrace fire’s positive qualities, as they will play a key role in your future successes. However, be weary of the negative influences of fire, which include impatience and impulsiveness.

December 21 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius is ruled the planet Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive planetary influence from the Sun as well. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, which explains for your strong attraction to truth and adventure. Similarly, your individualism and creativity are linked to the integrating influence of the Sun. Your unique planetary influences combine to make you more prone to risk taking than the other Sagittarius Decans. If you find a reward worth pursuing, you fearlessly accept the possibility of success. Your quick mind and confidence make success more likely than failure in most occasions, but do not be surprised when you are confronted with the occasional low moment. In love, you will find happiness in a partner that shares in your sense of adventure and appreciates your drive.

December 21 Sagittarius Personality

Few people have such power of self-determination as a Sagittarius born on December 21. They can transform themselves from ugly duckling to beautiful swan. When an idea grabs them, they can make their dreams reality. They quickly spot intellectual dishonesty.

December 20 Birthday Horoscope

December 20 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 20 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 20th, your charisma and showmanship help define you to others. In all of your social dealings, you are kind, warm and witty. Your friends and family appreciate these qualities, but they may not realize how much you truly enjoy to perform. The world is your stage and you take every opportunity to excite and enthrall your audience. If there was one thing you enjoy more than attention, you have yet to find it!

December 20 Birthday Element - Fire

The Sagittarius is paired with the fire element and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable connection to the element. Like all fire zodiac signs, the influence of fire makes passion and enthusiasm burn deep within your being. However, your sign’s unique connection to the element makes you changeable like a wild flame and contributes to the warmth of your communication. Fire’s positive qualities can always be considered amongst your most valuable assets, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that plagues all fire signs.

December 20 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also welcome in the planetary influence of the Sun. Jupiter, being the planet of expansion, connects to your need for adventure, truth and generosity, but it is the Sun that is reflected in your highly individualistic and creative nature. This unique combination of planetary influences makes you amongst the most risk taking of all the Sagittarius Decans. You straddle the line of success and failure with confidence, especially when your efforts can pay off big. Although this quality may result in some lows, you must take refuge in the fact that you are willing to take the risks to achieve true greatness. In love, find a partner that appreciates your vision and sense of adventure.

December 20 Sagittarius Personality

The strong psychic and emotional nature of a December 20 Sagittarius belies an outwardly breezy attitude. Their personality is like a chameleon that offers something different to everyone. Attracted to tradition and the status quo, they retain strong ties to their past. They may struggle to break free of the image others have of them.

December 19 Birthday Horoscope

December 19 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 19 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 19th, your charm and showmanship are amongst your most defining qualities. You are energized in social settings and use group settings to display your warm, friendly and likable personality. Although there are some people who avoid the spotlight at all costs, you seek out the center stage. It seems you always know how to captivate, entertain and intrigue an audience. These qualities have made you very popular through life, you would be surprised to know how many people desire your companionship.

December 19 Birthday Element - Fire

The Sagittarius is paired with the fire element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable relationship with the element. Fire’s influence makes you a warm and active communicator, but it also makes you as changeable as an untamed flame. Fire’s influence may be most clearly seen in your strong, determined will. In the face of challenges, your spirit burns with great fortitude. Although fire’s influence comes with many strengths, it can become detrimental if you embrace impatience and impulsiveness too heavily.

December 19 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, your planetary power is influenced by the Sun as well. While it is Jupiter’s power that can be linked to your need for truth and adventure, it is the Sun’s influence that is reflected in your individualistic and creative qualities. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more prone to risk taking than the other Sagittarius Decans. You are driven by the allure of success and you do not fear the possibility of failure. Your fearlessness may create a variety of highs and lows in your life, but luckily your determination gives you the ability to overcome any situation. In love, find a partner that values honesty and adventure, as this will bring you the greatest sense of fulfillment and happiness.

December 19 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 19 walks an emotional tightrope but is fearless. They often seem to be the strong, silent type. They need to make a contribution to society through their work or ideals. A commitment to personal goals marks them as success stories. Their talent may get them in the door, but it’s their moxie that keeps them there.

December 18 Birthday Horoscope

December 18 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 18 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 18th, your charisma and risk taking define you. With people you are warm, friendly and clever. These appealing qualities are met well with your comfort being the center of attention. Although others may enjoy your warm social qualities, you are admired for your fearless pursuit of success. If you feel the reward is worthwhile, you do not mind risking complete failure. These combined qualities have made you popular with your peers and coworkers throughout your life.

December 18 Birthday Element - Fire

Your elemental pair is fire and as a Sagittarius, you have the only mutable connection with fire of all the zodiac signs. Fire’s connection with your personality makes you adaptable and changeable, much like a wild flame. When confronted with a challenge or goal you have created for yourself, fire’s influence allows you to push towards success with great passion and enthusiasm. Fire’s determined qualities will be amongst your greatest strengths in life, but be careful to avoid the weakness of impatience and impulsiveness.

December 18 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of the Sun. While Jupiter can be credited with your strong sense of adventure, it is the Sun that drives your willpower and individuality. These two planets combine to make you more of a natural showman than the other Sagittarius Decans. You love admiration, attention and praise, which explains why you will work so hard to receive them. Without an audience, you do not have the motivation to shine and shining is what you do best! In life and love, surround yourself with individuals who share in your outgoing and adventurous personality. Although you may benefit from a partner that is a bit more cautious than yourself, or at least more calculated in their risks.

December 18 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 18 is a go-getter, yet they are never aggressive or abrasive in their dealings with others. They have an open, generous nature and a sharp sense of humor. When they are dedicated to a concept, they will fight tirelessly to protect and support it. They are often modest about their talents while unduly proud of lesser accomplishments.

December 17 Birthday Horoscope

December 17 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 17 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 17th, you are well known for your charisma and showmanship. While others prefer to be in the background, you are most comfortable being the center of attention. More times than not, you seek out the center stage, where you can impress others with your charm and wit. In all your dealings, you are friendly and warm. Your sociable qualities and performer mentality make you a highly sought after friend and companion.

December 17 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is the elemental pair of your sign and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a mutable relationship with the element. When you adaptability and fiery communication are considered, fire’s influence over your personality becomes obvious. Fire’s power expands to the depths of your being, as you take on challenges with passion and fortitude. Embracing fire’s positive qualities will play a key role in future successes, as long as you avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that accompanies your elemental influence.

December 17 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius is under the planetary ruler of Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part of the sign, you also receive a helping of the Sun’s unique planetary power. Jupiter’s influence ties into your adventure and truth seeking qualities, but it is the Sun that connects to your individuality, willpower and creativity. Your combination of planetary influences makes you more of a natural risk taker than the other Sagittarius Decans. If the possibility of success is on the horizon, you fearlessly look at any possibilities of failure. While this is undoubtedly one of your greatest strengths, this can become a weakness if you do not think things through fully. In love, find a partner that shares in your sense of adventure, but is possibly more calculated in their risk taking.

December 17 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 17 is a material realist. They aim high but have the maturity to accept failure. Their leadership talent usually shows early. Although self-disciplined, they enjoy breaking the rules from time to time. They may be self-conscious about their practical side and keep that aspect hidden from all but those closest to them.

December 16 Birthday Horoscope

December 16 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 16 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 16th, you are well known for your charm and showmanship. you thrive in social settings, because they give you the chance to share your friendly, warm and charismatic personality with others. While others prefer the sidelines, you much rather take center stage and have everyone’s attention. You see people as an audience and are open and enthusiastic with your performances. These qualities make you a highly sought after friend and companion.

December 16 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s paired element is fire and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one with a mutable connection to fire. Your unique relationship with fire makes you a warm and adaptable communicator. In a greater sense, fire’s influence goes to your very core. When you are confronted with a challenge or goal, fire’s influence fuels fortitude and passion within your spirit. The continued embrace of fire’s positive qualities will support future success, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that sometimes accompanies fire’s enthusiasm.

December 16 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the Sagittarius sign, you also receive a strong dose of the Sun’s mystical power. Being the planet of expansion, Jupiter’s influence ties into your adventurous and knowledge-driven personality. Likewise, the Sun’s influence is reflected in your gifts of individuality, willpower and inspiration. Your unique planetary combination makes you far more of a risk taker than other Sagittarius Decans. If you feel the reward is worthwhile, you will fearlessly straddle on the cusp of failure. Although it is impossible to always be successful, your determination will help you out of any situation your risk taking has put you in. In love, you may benefit from a person that is more grounded and calculated in their approach to life, but equally adventurous.

December 16 Sagittarius Personality

A December 16 Sagittarius is extraordinary. They have a disciplined nature and can live on little, as long as they can express their inner fire. Blessed with an artistic temperament, they understand that success equals creative accomplishment, not money. They have much wisdom.

December 15 Birthday Horoscope

December 15 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 15 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 15th, your personality can be defined by your charismatic and showman qualities. You are most energized by social settings, as they give you the chance to display our natural friendliness and wit. Many people are drawn to your charm and you subsequently, may be considered very popular. When you are around others, you love the attention of your audience. In many ways, you take every social situation as a performance.

December 15 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is the elemental pair of the Sagittarius and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have a mutable connection to the element. Fire’s influence makes you much like an open flame, adaptable and changeable. Your connection with fire expands deep into your being, which explains why you meet challenges with strong passion and enthusiasm. Your flame will continue to burn strong in the face of adversity if you embrace the positive qualities of fire. Fire does not come without its negative influences as well however; take care to avoid your tendency to be impatience and impulsive.

December 15 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Your signs planetary ruler is Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, the Sun lends you some of its power as well. Jupiter, being the planet of expansion, is responsible for your adventurous and truth-seeking qualities. Likewise, it is the Sun that connects to your need for individuality, creativity and vitality. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more of a risk taker than other Sagittarius Decans. You are quite comfortable assessing risks versus reward and you will take to all things fearlessly if you feel the reward is worthwhile. Although you run the risk for failure, outstanding success is just as possible.

December 15 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 15 is not as unconventional as some members of their sign, but they can appreciate the absurd and contemplate the impossible. These folks are success-oriented yet have too much integrity to go against their principles to get what they want. They never lose sight of their commitments and interests.

December 14 Birthday Horoscope

December 14 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 14 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 14th, you are naturally charismatic and unafraid of taking risks. Your friends and family know you for your warm, friendly and charming personality. You love social settings, as it gives you a chance to use your natural gifts for communication to captivate an audience. In many ways, you are a showman, which may explain why you are so comfortable taking risks. You know that without taking risks, there are no worthwhile rewards.

December 14 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is the elemental pair of the Sagittarius and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have a mutable connection to the element. Your special connection with fire allows you to be an adaptable and warm with your communication. In a greater sense, it is fire that fuels the passion and determination that are so intertwined with your being. When confronted with a take or worthwhile challenge, your flame burns strong until you accomplish your goals. Fire’s embrace is amongst one of your greatest strengths, as long as you avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that can turn into one of your weaknesses.

December 14 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Your sign is under the planetary ruler of Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a healthy dose of the Sun’s mysterious power. Jupiter’s influence is reflected in your constant pursuit of knowledge and adventure. Similarly, it is the Sun that connects to your strong sense of individuality, creativity and willpower. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more fearless and more of a natural performer than the other Sagittarius Decans. More so than anything, you live for attention, praise and admiration, which explains why you will do just about anything to achieve this status. You may often find yourself straddling the line between failure and success, but your confidence and determination will allow you to end up on the right side of that line. In love, you may do well to find a partner that brings you balance with a more conservative life approach.

December 14 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 14 can juggle a variety of tasks and responsibilities. Good-natured and friendly, they make wonderful cheerleaders for the goals and ambitions of others. They remain enthusiastic and full of optimism no matter the circumstance.

December 13 Birthday Horoscope

December 13 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 13 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 13th, you are charismatic and live life on the edge. You are naturally charming and warm and as a result, people seem to gravitate to you. You are quite popular, which is great because you do not mind being the center of attention. Social settings are simply a stage for you to perform to your audience. In life, your charm is paired with a desire to achieve greatness, despite any risks that may be involved. At times, you are truly fearless!

December 13 Birthday Element - Fire

Fires is your sign’s paired element and in fact, of all 12 zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Fire’s influences gives you the passion and enthusiasm that all those under fire signs share, but it also gives you the added benefit of adaptability and communication. As you continue to embrace fire’s positive qualities, you will be assisted on your path to success, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that is associated with this element.

December 13 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius is under the planetary ruler of Jupiter, but as you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive the special power of the Sun. Jupiter, being the planet of expansion, helps fuel your adventurous and truth-seeking personality. The Sun, the planet of integration, drives your individuality, creativity and willpower. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you much more of a showman and a risk taker than the other Sagittarius Decans. You love praise, admiration and acclaim, which explains why you will do whatever is necessary to reach these things. While these qualities create the possibility of failure, they also give you a chance for unprecedented success. In love, find a partner who appreciates your performer mentality, as this is a lifelong trait.

December 13 Sagittarius Personality

Eccentricity marks the personality of a Sagittarius born on December 13. They see risks as signposts to challenges. They have enormous confidence yet can admit when they are wrong. When it comes to leadership ability, they are second to none, though that role seldom appeals to their sense of fun. Even though these fun-loving individuals love having people around them, they aren’t big on making close friends.

December 12 Birthday Horoscope

December 12 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 12 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 12th, you are straightforward, assertive and a bit restless in life. You have always felt that honesty is the best policy and subsequently, you never hesitate to share your thoughts, feelings or concerns. Although your friends and family may be taken aback by your frankness, they have learned to appreciate your directness. You take the same assertive approach in all matters, which insures that you get the best out of everything you do. Your one problem may be settling on an interest or passion, as there are so many things that intrigue you.

December 12 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s elemental pair is fire and as a Sagittarius, you have the only mutable relationship with the element. While fire helps spark the passion and enthusiasm for all those under the Sagittarius sign, your special connection with fire makes you a strong communicator and adaptable. Much like an open, growing flame, you can find a way to thrive and grow in most situations. Embracing the positive qualities of fire will assist your future successes, but beware of the impatience and impulsiveness that accompanies your enthusiasm.

December 12 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, Mars plays an equal role in your planetary influence. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, which explains its influence over your adventurous and truth-seeking personality. On the other hand, the powers of Mars influence your assertive and vigorous qualities. Your unique planetary influences make you more spontaneous and assertive when compared to other Sagittarius Decans. You fearlessly jump into new experiences and have the fortitude to do well in almost any situation. In love, you display the same excitement, but make sure to find a partner that shares in your most treasured values of honesty and adventure.

December 12 Sagittarius Personality

A December 12 Sagittarius is competitive in all aspects of life. No matter how much they are able to accomplish, these obsessive perfectionists inevitably feel bad about the opportunities that got away. They need to accumulate the tangible emblems of success to feel that they have "made it." Often this attitude of accountability helps them blaze their trail.

December 11 Birthday Horoscope

December 11 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 11 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 11th, you are assertive, open and often restless in your interests. In all matters of life, you make sure that your needs are understood and met. This direct and assertive personality makes sure that you get the best out of life and it is complimented well by your special brand of pure honesty. While your friends and family may feel you are a bit blunt at times, they can always count on you for sharing your genuine thoughts and feelings. If you have one problem, it may be committing to an issue or task, as you often want to experience a bit of everything!

December 11 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable relationship with fire. Fire’s influence makes you as adaptable and changeable as a growing flame. In times where you set goals, it is fire’s influence that fuels your strong passion and enthusiasm. Your connection with fire even stretches into your communication, which is known for heat and confidence. Your unique connection with fire will be one of your greatest strengths, as long as you take measures to subdue your impatience and impulsiveness.

December 11 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive a dose of Mars’ special power. While Jupiter’s influence is connected to your pursuit of adventure and power, it is Mars that ties to your assertive and active nature. Your special combination of planetary influences makes you more spontaneous and assertive than the other Sagittarius Decans. You will always gravitate to new experiences in a fearless manner. Your straightforward approach to life insures that you waste no time with mind games or secrets. In love, find a partner who shares in your adventurous and honest mindset, as this will give you the greatest satisfaction and happiness.

December 11 Sagittarius Personality

Intellectually gifted, a Sagittarius born on December 11 can transform their world. They are ambitious, though not in the material sense. A strong emotional nature makes them intense. They are likely to be extremely passionate about their political views, especially in matters that affect the environment. They need to make a difference.

December 10 Birthday Horoscope

December 10 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 10 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 10th, your openness and restlessness define you. Your friends can attest to the fact that you always share when something is on your mind. You take this same honesty in all of your dealings. While others may describe you as blunt, you simply have an appreciation for the truth. You have many interests, which is mainly because it is so hard for you to pick just one! You are so restless in your hobbies and work that you can truly be considered a Jack of all trades.

December 10 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and as a Sagittarius, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable connection to fire. Much like an unchecked flame, you are changeable and adaptable. Fire’s influence also reaches to your determined spirit, as it is responsible for the passion and enthusiasm that burns deep within you. When confronted with an especially difficult challenge, the influence of fire makes sure you meet your goals with fortitude. Although fire’s influence can be amongst your greatest strengths, be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that creates weakness.

December 10 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Jupiter, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, Mars also lends you some of its mysterious power. Jupiter’s powers are related to expansion, which explains for your adventurous and truth seeking nature. By comparison, it is Mars’ power that links to your assertive and action-first nature. These unique planetary influences combine to make you the most spontaneous of all the Sagittarius Decans. You are fearless and bold in life, which will allow you to get the very best out of your experiences. In love, you will find the most satisfaction in a partner that shares your deep need for adventure and appreciation of honesty.

December 10 Sagittarius Personality

Analytical yet creative, a Sagittarius born on December 10 believes in getting things done. They have a sunny, personable nature and always seem to be full of good humor and enthusiasm. They protect themselves from emotional pain. Though they can handle every other type of challenge well, they flinch from situations involving feelings.

December 9 Birthday Horoscope

December 9 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 9 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 9th, your assertiveness and openness are amongst your most well known qualities. You are forceful and confident in all your dealings, which helps you get the very best out of life. You are very clear when there is something you want or desire and you are not afraid to let others know your true feelings. This open, honest nature is one of your greatest assets, although your family and friends may not always appreciate your frank way of communicating.

December 9 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to have a mutable connection to the element. Much like an open flame, you are adaptable and changeable. Fire’s influence is seen in your assertive and confident manner, but it is more so witnessed in the passion that burns deep within you. When confronted with a worthwhile challenge, fire makes sure your efforts are fueled by enthusiasm and fortitude. If you continue to embrace fire’s positive qualities, it will assist you on your path to success. Be weary of fire’s negative influences, which include impatience and impulsiveness.

December 9 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius’s ruling planet is Jupiter, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also a recipient of Mars’ mysterious power. While Jupiter’s influence can be credited with your adventurous and truth seeking qualities, it is Mars that should be accredited with your assertive and vigorous nature. Your unique combination of planetary influences makes you more spontaneous and forceful than the other Sagittarius Decans. You are bold and fearless when you find something that sparks your interest. In love, you show the same assertive and honest way of handling things. As you have no appreciation for mind games, it is important to surround yourself who share in your value of honesty.

December 9 Sagittarius Personality

A December 9 Sagittarius finds their identity through group involvement. These high-energy people enjoy being challenged and seem to have a knack for starting conflicts with authority. Loaded with a self-confidence that would seem like conceit in others, they’re unwilling to acknowledge the possibility of failure. They possess an edgy attitude that often draws them into controversy.

December 8 Birthday Horoscope

December 8 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

December 8 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 8th, you are well known for being open, assertive and restless. You are a firm believer in honesty being the best policy, which explains for you the frank and sometimes blunt way of communicating. In all matters of life, you are assertive and confident. If there is something on your mind, you make sure to let others know. Restless and varied in your interests, you may have a hard time settling on specific pursuits. It is no wonder why you are such a Jack of all trades!

December 8 Birthday Element - Fire

Fires is the elemental pair of your sign and as a Sagittarius, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable connection to the element. Your fiery and assertive communication is directly linked towards fire’s influence, but it can also be seen in your adaptability. Your connection with fire drives the passion and determination that are so intertwined with your personality. Your fire will burn strong when you make a goal that you wish to accomplish. Avoid the negative aspects of fire, which include impatience and impulsiveness.

December 8 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of the Sagittarius, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the mystical planetary influence of Mars. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and subsequently, it connects to your pursuit of adventure and truth. Mars on the other hand, is linked to your assertive and action-oriented qualities. Your unique planetary influence combines to give you a spontaneous and assertive nature unlike any of the other Sagittarius Decans. Your enthusiasm and thirst for excitement will always make you intriguing and appealing, but your brutal honestly may push others away. Take care to consider how your frankness will offend others to get the best out of your friendships and loving relationships.

December 8 Sagittarius Personality

Headstrong and imperious, a December 8 Sagittarius has a docile side; they express this by constant personality changes. Because they tend to extremes, it’s not uncommon for them to regret many of their choices. They have creative talent but seem to prefer the life of a dilettante. This attitude, if unchecked, can be their downfall.

December 7 Birthday Horoscope

December 7 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 7 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 7th, your personality is defined by openness, assertiveness and, at times, restlessness. You value honesty and have no time for mind games. This quality makes you frank at times, but your overwhelming honesty is appreciated by those closest too you. You take the same straightforward approach in all aspects of your life, as you are assertive in pursuing your desires and interests. If anything, your greatest difficulty may be sorting through the numerous topics that spark your interest.

December 7 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s paired element is fire and in fact, of all the zodiac signs, you are the only one to maintain a mutable relationship with the element. Fire’s influence brings an assertive warmth to your communication, but it also allows you to be as adaptable as an open flame. Similarly, it is fire that creates your burning passion and enthusiasm. When met with a challenge you find to be worthwhile, fire’s influence allows you to display the fortitude to accomplish your goals. Be careful to avoid the negative influence of fire, which included impatience and impulsiveness.

December 7 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of Mars. Being the planet of expansion, Jupiter’s influence connects to your desire for truth and adventure, but it is Mars that is linked to your assertive and vigorous qualities. Your unique combination of planetary influence makes you more spontaneous and assertive than other Sagittarius Decans. Your fearlessness and enthusiasm will always be amongst your greatest strengths, but its your bold honesty that may become a weakness. Take time to realize when your blunt nature is offending others. In love, find a partner that values honesty and adventure, as this will bring you the most happiness and satisfaction.

December 7 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 7 has great wisdom and occult knowledge, which allows him or her to perceive life on many levels. They search for meaning through their important relationships and generally express their inner self via a creative outlet. They know where the rough water is and can maneuver life’s swift currents without losing their way.

December 6 Birthday Horoscope

December 6 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 6 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 6th, your personality is defined by an assertive, honest and restless nature. You value honesty in all aspects of life, which may explain why those closest to you would describe you as blunt or frank. You openness is especially witnessed when there is something you want, as you will express and pursue your interests with great assertiveness. Your assertive nature may also explain for your restlessness. You often have so many varied interests that it is hard for you to remain satisfied in routine.

December 6 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable relationships with the element. Fire’s influences makes you a warm and charming communicator, but it also makes you as adaptable as an open flame. When confronted with a challenge or goal, your inner-fire burns with great enthusiasm and passion. Fire’s positive qualities will support you throughout life as you look to meet your goals. Be weary of fire’s negative qualities, which include bouts of impulsivity and impatience.

December 6 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part of the sign, you actually receive a generous helping of planetary power from Mars as well. Jupiter, being the planet of transformation, is linked to your pursuit of truth and adventure. Likewise, Mars’ special power ties to your assertive and action-oriented nature. This unique combination of planetary influence combines to make you more assertive and spontaneous than other Sagittarius Decans. Your enthusiastic and spontaneous nature will always make you an ideal partner and friend, but it is important that you surround yourself with those who share in your value of honesty. You have no patience for mind games and will be most satisfied in a loving relationship without hidden agendas.

December 6 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 6 is a kind, soft-spoken individual that has a love of people and is a natural mediator. They understand the power of quiet persuasion. Their positive attitude and good manners make them pleasant to know and nice to be around. People born on this date raise sociability to an art form.

December 5 Birthday Horoscope

December 5 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 5 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 5th, your assertiveness is matched by an equally restless and open nature. While others may shy away from expressing their true desires and feelings, you rarely have this problem. You will quickly let others know what you want and will work tireless let to achieve the goals you have set. You take the assertiveness into your interests, which have developed to be quite varied. In all aspects of life, you value honestly, which explains for the openness you share in your close relationships.

December 5 Birthday Element - Fire

Your elemental pair is fire and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have a mutable relationship with fire. Your changeable relationship with fire makes you a great communicator and as adaptable as an open flame. Likewise, it is fire’s influences that materializes as burning passion and enthusiasm. Your flame burns with great fortitude in the face of adversity, as you will work endlessly to overcome challenges. Fire’s qualities can become amongst your greatest strengths, as long as you avoid the impulsiveness and impatience that comes with too much enthusiasm.

December 5 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a good deal of Mars’ mysterious power as well. Your thirst for adventure and truth is directly linked to Jupiter’s influence, as it is the planet of expansion. Mars’ influence is tied more heavily to your assertiveness and vigor. Your unique planetary influence makes you far more spontaneous than the other Sagittarius Decans. You have never met an experience or interest that you did not meet with a fearless attitude. In love, you have no value for mind games and bring the same frank honestly to your relationships that you maintain in all your social dealings. Find a partner who shares in your value of adventure and openness, as this will bring you the greatest satisfaction.

December 5 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 5 is a dreamer as well as a doer. They have a strong personal vision that informs everything they do and that may become the focus of their lives. Elaborate, reachable dreams are particularly alluring to them. Their particular challenge is to stay true to their ideas without being intimidated by the objections of others.

December 4 Birthday Horoscope

December 4 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 4 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 4th, you are known for being assertive, restless and open. You have trouble sticking to one interest, as there are so many different subjects and topics that you find appealing. You may be the definition of a "Jack of all trades." In all matters of life your are assertive and honest. You do not hesitate to let others know what you want and if you set a goal, you will work tirelessly to achieve it. These qualities are greatly admired by your friends and family.

December 4 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and as a Sagittarius, you have the only mutable connection to the element. Fire’s influence makes you adaptable and an effective communicator, but more so, fire’s influence makes you passionate and enthusiastic. Although it may take time to give focus to your flame, when you have a specific interest you push towards it with great fortitude. Fire’s positive qualities will be a key contributor to future successes. Take care to avoid the detrimental influences of fire, which include impatience and impulsiveness.

December 4 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Jupiter, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a generous helping of Mars’ influence as well. Jupiter is the planet of transformation, which explains your need for adventure and truth. On the other hand, it is Mars that is linked to your innate assertiveness and drive for action. Your unique planetary influences make you far more assertive and spontaneous than the other Sagittarius Decans. You are fearless when encountering a new challenge or interest, which is a large part of your appeal. You may be frank at times, but this only comes from a true appreciation for honestly. In life and love, surround yourself with those who share in your value of adventure, as social adventure will help curb your restlessness.

December 4 Sagittarius Personality

A risk-taker who never plays it safe, a Sagittarius born on December 4 typically has revolutionary opinions and is a trend-setter. They can be difficult to get along with, especially when they refuse to back down from an argument. December 4 men and women enjoy being different, as their eccentric attitude makes clear. At some point they usually get involved in New Age studies.

December 3 Birthday Horoscope

December 3 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 3 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 3rd, your personality is defined by your assertive, restless and open nature. When you know what you want, you do not hesitate to share it with others. You will work hard to achieve things you wish to accomplish with certainty, although you may challenge to discover our true interests. You are restless in your pursuits, tending to explore varying topics and subjects. Your eclectic nature is paired nicely with your openness. Although they may feel you are a bit frank at times, your friends, family and coworkers appreciate your honestly.
December 3 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s paired element is fire and of the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection to the element. Fire’s influence makes you changeable and adaptable, much like an open flame. Similarly, fire connects to your intense passion and enthusiasm. When something strikes your interest, you pursue it with great fortitude and spirit. As you continue to embrace fire’s qualities you will achieve your goals. Be weary of fire’s negative influences, which include impatience and impulsiveness.

December 3 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of Mars. Being the planet of transformation, Jupiter is connected to your pursuits of adventure and truth. Likewise, Mars, being the planet of assertiveness, is linked to your assertiveness and need for action. Your unique planetary influences make you more restless and spontaneous than the other Sagittarius Decans. You will fearlessly engage in any activity that peaks your interest, which is one of your most positive qualities. In love, find a partner that shares in your appreciation for honesty and need for adventure, as this will bring you satisfaction and happiness.

December 3 Sagittarius Personality

December 3 Sagittarius folks have personality plus. Their charm, good looks, and sex appeal make them appealing. They enjoy living the good life yet always manage to keep in touch with spiritual values. They have an iron will and can stand up for themselves. Although known for a well-developed ego, this does not detract from their likability.

December 2 Birthday Horoscope

December 2 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 2 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 2nd, your straightforward and positive nature is paired nicely with a thirst for adventure. While others stick to things they know, you are most energized by what is new and yet to be experienced. You take any opportunity to find a new environment or people to interact with, which makes you exciting and appealing to others. Above all, your friends, family, peers and coworkers may appreciate your positive outlook, as they would be hard-pressed to recall a time where you didn’t point out the bright side of things.

December 2 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s paired element is fire and as a Sagittarius, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable relationship to the element. It is fire’s influence that makes you an effective communicator and as adaptable as an open flame. It is also fire that links to the passion and enthusiasm that burns inside of you. When you find a goal worth pursuing, your flame burns with purpose as you display great fortitude in meeting your goals. Fire’s positive qualities can become amongst your greatest strengths if you avoid the traps of impatience and impulsiveness that you are susceptible to.

December 2 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The ruling planet of the Sagittarius is Jupiter and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double helping of Jupiter’s mystical influence. Being the planet of transformation, Jupiter’s influence is linked to your pursuit of truth and adventure, as well as your optimistic outlook. Your planetary influences makes you far more driven towards exploration and higher learning than the other Sagittarius Decans. At times, your appreciation of truth may lead you to be too honest and direct in your dealings with others. Although your positive and outgoing personality will always make you popular and appealing, avoid hurting others with statements that can be interpreted as blunt. In love, try to find a partner that shares in your love for adventure, as this will bring your great satisfaction.

December 2 Sagittarius Personality

The mysterious Sagittarius men and women born on December 2 are big on image. They are romantic and talented; their talents often relate to the arts. They sometimes use their talent to shelter themselves from the world. They seem strong but are vulnerable to emotional pressures. They seldom show their wounds, putting a positive spin on difficult events.

December 1 Birthday Horoscope

December 1 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

December 1 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on December 1st, you seek adventure with a positive and direct nature. While others take comfort in familiar settings, you are most excited with new people, experiences and environments, which explains why you are in constant pursuit of adventure. Your friends and family love your adventurous ways, but they are truly inspired by your positive outlook. Your optimism never seems to falter, even in the face of the most negative circumstances. These qualities make you a highly sought after friend and companion.

December 1 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s paired element is fire and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have mutable connection to the element. Your connection to fire makes you as adaptable and changeable as a wild flame. Fire’s influence is made especially evident when you are met with a challenge or goal, which you will meet with fortitude and resilience. Embracing fire’s positive qualities will become one of your greatest assets, but do not completely consumed in the flames of passion, as this will make you impatient and impulsive.

December 1 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of your sign and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Jupiter’s influence over your personality is twice as strong. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, which is reflected in your need for adventure, pursuit of truth and natural generosity. It is your unique planetary influence that makes you more likely to pursuit higher learning and unique experiences than the other Sagittarius Decans. As you pursue truth, you have developed a strong value for honestly, which explains why you are also more straightforward and blunt than other Sagittarius Decans as well. You will always be exciting and appealing to others, as long as you maintain your tact.

December 1 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on December 1 is theatrical and flamboyant, with all-too-human flaws. They use their sense of humor to showcase their bubbly personality. They are impulsive, sometimes to their detriment. Despite warnings from loved ones, these feisty people are determined to live life on their terms. That generally means plenty of laughs and few rules.

November 30 Birthday Horoscope

November 30 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

November 30 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on November 30th, you seek adventure with a positive and straightforward personality. You take no refuge in familiar settings, as you are much more excited by the prospect of new experiences and people. This inclination may explain why you are always exploring new environments. Your friends and family are always excited to hear about your latest adventure, but they appreciate your optimism over all else. You can rarely recall a time where you weren’t able to take something positive from a situation or person.

November 30 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your elemental pair and as a Sagittarius, you have the only mutable connection with the element. The influence of fire makes you as adaptable as a growing flame, but it it is also responsible for the passion that burns within. When you encounter an interest or goal that you feel is worth pursuing, your flame burns with even more fortitude. Embracing these positive qualities of fire will be a key contributor to your future successes. Take care to avoid the negative aspects of fire’s influence, which includes impatience and impulsiveness.

November 30 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Your sign’s ruling planet is Jupiter, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you are subject to a double dose of Jupiter’s power. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and subsequently, its influence is seen in your pursuit of adventure and knowledge, as well as your generosity and optimism. Your planetary influences combines to make you destined for higher learning, as you enjoy exploration in academics as much as in any element of life. While your pursuit of truth is perhaps your most positive quality, it may negatively reflect in your communication. As you highly value honestly, you choose to be straightforward and blunt in your communication. Others may consider this tactless, so attempt to consider the feelings of others in your everyday dealings.

November 30 Sagittarius Personality

Possessed with a sharp wit and the personality of a star, a November 30 Sagittarius tends to live flamboyantly. Despite this, they are loners. They enjoy breaking conventional patterns. They’re also moralists who believe the moral code applies to everyone - except them! They are apt to be egotistical but have a rare ability to laugh at themselves.

November 29 Birthday Horoscope

November 29 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

November 29 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on November 29th, your adventurous personality is accompanied by a straightforward and optimistic attitude. While others may take comfort in the familiar, you are always seeking to escape it. You are energized by new experiences, environment and people, which explains why you are always moving towards something new. Your friends and family enjoy your adventures, but they truly appreciate your positive outlook. Your loved ones never fail to be uplifted by your ability to take the best out of any situation or person.

November 29 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s paired element is fire and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have a mutable connection to the element. Fire’s influence is obvious when your passionate and enthusiastic nature is considered. When confronted with a challenge, fire’s influence helps your flame burn with purpose to accomplish your goals. Additionally, your unique relationship to fire makes you adaptable and an effective communicator. Fire’s qualities can become one of your greatest assets, as long as you are not derailed by the impatience and impulsiveness that is amongst fire’s negative qualities.

November 29 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius’s planetary ruler is Jupiter and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive a double helping of Jupiter’s mysterious power. The planet of expansion, Jupiter is connected to your sense of adventure, pursuit of truth, generosity and optimism. Of all the Sagittarius Decans, your unique planetary influence makes you more likely to pursue adventure and higher education. Your pursuit of truth makes you demand and receive the very best of life. If there were one negative aspect, your appreciation of truth makes you a very honest and blunt communicator. Practice understanding and patience with others, as they may be offended by your straightforwardness.

November 29 Sagittarius Personality

A November 29 Sagittarius finds their greatest self-realization through love of others. They are ruled by emotions but can be objective about personal motives. Charming and attractive, they have a dark side that even those closest to them may not understand. Their potential for self-discovery is great, but they must learn to tell themselves the truth.

November 28 Birthday Horoscope

November 28 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

November 28 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on November 28th, your personality is defined by a thirst for adventure and a positive outlook. While others love to stick to routine and what is familiar, you would much rather have a new and exciting experience. You take to the world with positivity and optimism, which explains why you always are able to find the best in situations and people. Your family, friends, coworkers and peers appreciate these qualities and are greatly inspired by your company.

November 28 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is the paired element of your sign and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection to fire. While fire’s influence makes you a strong communicator and adaptable, it is more so connected to your strong passion and enthusiasm. Your flame is especially strong when you find a challenge you find to be worthwhile. Fire will always drive you to success, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that sometimes accompanies fire’s influence.

November 28 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is your sign’s planetary ruler, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Jupiter’s influence over you is twice as strong. Being the planet of expansion, Jupiter’s influence is reflected in your desire for truth, knowledge and adventure. Your unique planetary influence makes your more geared towards higher learning than the other Sagitattius Decans, as you want to explore all aspects of life to gain understanding. You are bold and daring, which is greatly appealing to others. However, your appreciation for truth and honesty makes you a blunt communicator, which may become detrimental if you completely fail to acknowledge how your directness may offend others.

November 28 Sagittarius Personality

It’s often said that a Sagittarius born on November 28 is their own best friend and worst enemy. They know how to break rules to get attention. But they’re also creative and can inspire others. They have bursts of creative energy, as well as periods of indolence during which they produce very little.

November 27 Birthday Horoscope

November 27 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

November 27 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

As a Sagittarius born on November 27th, you are well known for your adventurous, positive and straightforward way of handling life. You find no excitement in the familiar, which explains why you feel most alive in new environments with new people. Your friends and family are excited to see what new adventure you are about to undertake, but they may be the most appreciative of your innate optimism. Your loved ones take great comfort in the fact that you always find the best in people and situations.

November 27 Birthday Element - Fire

Your sign’s elemental pair is fire and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have a mutable connection with element. Your unique connection to fire makes you adaptable and a capable communicator. Fire’s influence is obvious when your passionate and enthusiastic personality is considered. Fire drives you to meet challenges with confidence and fortitude. Embracing the positive influence of fire can become one of your greatest assets in life, but be careful to avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that accompanies too much enthusiasm.

November 27 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you actually receive twice Jupiter’s planetary influence. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, which explains for your drive for adventure, truth and optimism. Your unique planetary influences causes you to be an explorer at heart. You explore all aspects of life and knowledge with a positive outlook, which makes you far more likely to explore higher learning. As you value truth above all else, you may be a bit blunt in your communication. Attempt to consider the feelings of others who may not have your appreciation for brutally honest communication.

November 27 Sagittarius Personality

There are few more independent thinkers than a Sagittarius born on November 27. They enjoy controversy and are apt to seek out an eccentric lifestyle. These go-getters have leadership potential and seem to be always on the move. They are notorious practical jokers. November 27 natives are accustomed to being the center of attention. They are leaders, and they can inspire awe in others.

November 26 Birthday Horoscope

November 26 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

November 26 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on November 26th, your adventurous nature is possibly your most defining quality. You find no enjoyment in familiarity, which explains for your need to constantly seek out new people and experiences. Your friends and family appreciate this qualities, almost as much as they enjoy your positive and optimistic outlook. Your loved ones never fail to marvel at how you can find the positive qualities of any person or situation.

November 26 Birthday Element - Fire

Fire is your sign’s paired element and in fact, of all the zodiac signs, only the Sagittarius has a mutable connection to fire. Your changing relationship with fire makes you adaptable and a great communicator. More so, fire’s influence directly links to the burning passion and enthusiasm that emerges whenever you encounter a new interest. Embracing fire’s active qualities will lead play a key role in your future successes, but avoid the impatience and impulsiveness that are a result of fire’s negative qualities.

November 26 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

The Sagittarius is subject to the planetary rule of Jupiter, but as you were born on the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a double dose of Jupiter’s mysterious planetary power. Being the planet of expansion, Jupiter’s influence is linked to your pursuit of truth, need for adventure and optimism. Your unique planetary influence makes you more adventurous and straightforward than the other Sagittarius Decans. You are also more comfortable in the realms of higher education than most, as education becomes as rewarding as any form of exploration. As you value truth, you choose to let honesty define your communication. You may be surprised to discover that others may feel this quality is blunt or tactless.

November 26 Sagittarius Personality

A Sagittarius born on November 26 is achievement-oriented and likes to do things their way. They can use practical means to bring about seemingly impractical goals. They seem hotheaded and stubborn; this doesn’t come from ego but from innocent self-confidence. They believe their way is the best way.


December 31 Birthday Horoscope

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