December 8 Birthday Horoscope

December 8 Birthday Horoscope — Zodiac Sign Personality

December 8 Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius

Being a Sagittarius born on December 8th, you are well known for being open, assertive and restless. You are a firm believer in honesty being the best policy, which explains for you the frank and sometimes blunt way of communicating. In all matters of life, you are assertive and confident. If there is something on your mind, you make sure to let others know. Restless and varied in your interests, you may have a hard time settling on specific pursuits. It is no wonder why you are such a Jack of all trades!

December 8 Birthday Element - Fire

Fires is the elemental pair of your sign and as a Sagittarius, you are the only zodiac sign with a mutable connection to the element. Your fiery and assertive communication is directly linked towards fire’s influence, but it can also be seen in your adaptability. Your connection with fire drives the passion and determination that are so intertwined with your personality. Your fire will burn strong when you make a goal that you wish to accomplish. Avoid the negative aspects of fire, which include impatience and impulsiveness.

December 8 Ruling Planet - Jupiter

Jupiter is the ruling planet of the Sagittarius, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the mystical planetary influence of Mars. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and subsequently, it connects to your pursuit of adventure and truth. Mars on the other hand, is linked to your assertive and action-oriented qualities. Your unique planetary influence combines to give you a spontaneous and assertive nature unlike any of the other Sagittarius Decans. Your enthusiasm and thirst for excitement will always make you intriguing and appealing, but your brutal honestly may push others away. Take care to consider how your frankness will offend others to get the best out of your friendships and loving relationships.

December 8 Sagittarius Personality

Headstrong and imperious, a December 8 Sagittarius has a docile side; they express this by constant personality changes. Because they tend to extremes, it’s not uncommon for them to regret many of their choices. They have creative talent but seem to prefer the life of a dilettante. This attitude, if unchecked, can be their downfall.


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