October 6 Birthday Horoscope

October 6 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

October 6 Zodiac Sign - Libra

As a Libra born on October 6th, you are well known for your sensitivity and thoughtfulness. You are very considerate and always take the needs of others into mind, sometimes even more than your own needs. You always offer an understanding ear to friends and family members that turn to you with their problems. In true self-less fashion, you are one of those rare individuals who would honestly give the shirt of their back to help another human being.

October 6 Birthday Element - Air

Air is your paired element and you are the only zodiac sign with a cardinal relationship with air. It is air’s influence that drives you to be active and a self-starter. You find yourself pushed towards intellectual and social pursuits as if you were encouraged by strong winds. As you embrace the active qualities of air, they will be amongst your strongest assets, but be weary of air’s less active qualities, which may materialize in an unemotional or aloof state.

October 6 Ruling Planet - Venus

The Libra’s ruling planet is Venus, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of Uranus and Saturn. Being the planet of harmony and sociability, Venus is linked to these aspects of your personality. Saturn and Uranus are more tied with your more serious qualities, including your discipline, patience and your concern for human welfare. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you far more selfless and driven for success than the other Libra Decans. Your commitment to others is admirable, but you often have a difficult time receiving the same help that you give so freely. As you continue to follow serious goals, you will stay on a path to success, but if you cannot learn to expose your vulnerable side to loved ones, this path will become much more difficult that it has to be.

October 6 Libra Personality

Libras born on October 6 are dreamers who need to express their inner drives through imagination and creativity. They are lovers of fantasy and illusion - what appears true is more interesting than what actually may be true. They are idealists who love beauty in all its forms.


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