March 7 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality
March 7 Zodiac Sign - Pisces
As a Pisces born on March 7th, your personality is defined by sensitivity, intuition and a self-sacrificing nature. In all matter of life, you display great sensitivity. While other struggle in the realm of emotions, you may have notice a psychic-like intuition about what others are thinking or feeling. Instead of using your receptivity to gain an advantage, you display a commitment to helping others. Your friends and family would be the first to admit that you are truly selfless when it comes to helping others. You would truly do anything for anyone, regardless if they were a close friend or acquaintance.
March 7 Birthday Element - Water
Your sign’s elemental pair is water and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Your special connection to water allows your personality and communication to take on the fluid and adaptable qualities of a free-flowing river. In addition to giving you the gift of effective communication, water’s influence also allows you to be at ease in the deep oceans of emotion. Continued embrace of water’s influence will allow your compassion and emotional understanding to grow, but be aware of the moodiness, as this is one of water’s negative influences.
March 7 Ruling Planet - Neptune
The Pisces is under the planetary rulership of Neptune, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a generous helping of the Moon’s influence also. Neptune is the planet of refinement, which explains your sensitive and compassionate qualities. Similarly, it is the Moon, the planet of reaction, that can be credited with your intuitive, receptive and nurturing qualities. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you the most sensitive of all the Pisces Decans. You experience strong emotional highs and lows, and this is especially true when you take on the emotional burdens of others. Although your compassion is one of your greatest assets, take time to focus on your own feelings as well. In love, find a partner that shares in your kind-hearted, optimistic and trusting nature, as this will bring you the most happiness.
March 7 Pisces Personality
A Pisces born on March 7 is among the most creative of the year. They are true visionaries. Although they may appear malleable, they have an ability to subjugate their ego to comprehend reality. They are empathetic. Their sensitivity can transcend relationships of all types and definition.