June 7 Birthday Horoscope

June 7 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

June 7 Zodiac Sign - Gemini

As a Gemini born on June 7th, your greatest talents lie in your communication and ingenuity. An extrovert at heart, you are excited by the outside world and take every chance to interact with it. Many people think of you as clever and witty, which is a result of your ability to create fascinating conversation with ease. Its true that you can sometimes be guilty of being talkative, but it is only a result of your genuine interest in others. Your social qualities have caused you to have a wealth of friends.

June 7 Birthday Element - Air

The Gemini has the most fluid relationship with the element of air out of all the zodiac signs. It’s air’s influence that blows your constant curiosity and pushes you on a never ending quest for knowledge. If you don’t find a passion or cause to support, you can take on the aloof qualities of still air, but if you do you take a direction with conviction.

June 7 Ruling Planet - Mercury

Mercury is the dominant planetary influence in your sign, but because you are born in the second Decan, or part, of the Gemini you are also influenced by Venus. Mercury provides the influence of the mind, knowledge and intellect. Venus complements these qualities well with a focus on sociability, cooperation and harmony. The influence of these two planets have combined to innate charm. Your ability to influence others is particularly strong, but you must be careful to not abuse your social powers.

June 7 Gemini Personality

Geminis born June 7 have the desire to make their presence felt in the world. They are curious and vibrant, with an ability to keep their level of enthusiasm high no matter what. They have a deservedly high opinion of themselves and will go to great lengths to make themselves seen and heard.


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