June 28 Birthday Horoscope

June 28 Birthday Horoscope - Zodiac Sign Personality

June 28 Zodiac Sign - Cancer

Being a Cancer born on June 28th, your creativity, sensitivity and compassion are your greatest strengths. While others are oblivious to the emotional health of others, you are overtly aware. As a great nurturer, you take the steps to try and help ease the problems of others. In addition to your own personal satisfaction, your family and friends greatly appreciate your generosity.

June 28 Birthday Element - Water

Water is your element. As a Cancer, you have the most fundamental connection with water out of all 12 zodiac signs. The qualities of emotions and water are very similar, as emotions can flow under the surface like currents or just as easily manifest in crashing waves. You’re comfortable with the subtle ripples of emotion and put great effort into helping others with this understanding. Embracing the qualities of water will lead to both love and happiness in your life. Be weary to stay anchored in the sea of emotions, as its easy to become lost in too much sensitivity and sentiment.

June 28 Ruling Planet - Moon

The moon is the planetary ruler of your sign, but as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, you feel twice as much of the moon’s influence. The feminine qualities of the moon create a strong connection with emotions. Whether it be intuition, or subtle psychic gifts, its as if you definitely know the emotions of others. You rely on emotions so heavily that without strong, loving relationships you feel incomplete and insecure. Don’t shy away from your compassion and sympathy, but take care not to force it past the boundaries of your loved ones.

June 28 Cancer Personality

June 28 Cancers have a marvelous sense of fun. Although their attitude may shock others, these individuals are determined to wring every bit of humor out of even the most unlikely events. They are democratic in their attitude and have the ability to laugh at themselves.


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